Savannah's infectious smile

Savannah's infectious smile
Smile like you mean it!

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

A Blog in Pictures

The medication Savannah takes for epilepsy . . .

The medication Mommy takes for Savannah's epilepsy . . .
'Nuff said.


  1. dear tracy,
    calvin's mom here. i saw this link to your photo blog that tiffany webb shared on facebook. she and matt filmed my seven year old boy, calvin, last spring. i love your story—that you got your phD in neurobiology! whoa! so great. since calvin's epilepsy diagnosis i often think i could have been a doc. instead i am a writer. i invite you to read and share calvin's story. i post something every day.
    perhaps some day we can meet. are you on facebook?
    thanks for your efforts on behalf of our children who suffer. xoxo, christy

  2. Hi Christy. Thanks for your comment. I read your blog. Very moving. Thank you for sharing your story. So sorry to hear about Calvin's seizures. :( How's he doing? I am on FBook. I will send you a friend request.
